Infinite Hills
For Beginners
First Steps
For Beginners
> Home > The Corewar Newsletters > Core Warrior > Issue #1

Issue 10                                                       January 1, 1996
Core_Warrior_ is a weekly newsletter promoting the game of corewar.  Emphasis
is placed on the most active hills--currently the '94 draft hill and the
beginner hill.  Coverage will follow where ever the action is.  If you have
no clue what I'm talking about then check out these five-star internet locals
for more information:

FAQs are available by anonymous FTP from as
FTP site is: /pub/corewar
Web pages are at:                  ;Stormking        ;Pizza      ;Planar

Happy New Year!
The 1996 begins, and we have reached the issue number 10 of your
favourite Core War newsletter!
At the moment Beppe is skiing so I have the honour to keep this number.
I remind you that Nandor & Stefan tourney is over, and soon you'll be able to
look at winners' faces on Stormking web pages!
At the moment maybe we're all busy in eating big Milanese cakes or similar,
but I hope you'll have some free time to "waste" in redcoding (or at least
to read us ;-).
In this issue, among other things, Planar continues the useful tutorial on
cdb, while I try to show to the beginners some basic rules to keep in mind,
when starting making a warrior.
Let's go!

Current Status of the Internet Pizza Server ICWS '94 Draft Hill:

 1  45/ 39/ 16                      quiz              Schitzo     150     267
 2  42/ 41/ 18             Frontwards v2       Steven Morrell     143     120
 3  38/ 34/ 29                 Mason 2.0        Robert Macrae     141       3
 4  40/ 40/ 20                Boombastic    Maurizio Vittuari     141       2
 5  34/ 26/ 40                  La Bomba          Beppe Bezzi     141     262
 6  36/ 32/ 32                 Torch t18              P.Kline     140     646
 7  41/ 42/ 18                   Harmony              P.Kline     139      13
 8  29/ 19/ 53            Impfinity v4g1               Planar     139      67
 9  42/ 46/ 12                      crow           Karl Lewin     139     100
10  34/ 30/ 36           Jack in the box          Beppe Bezzi     138     634
11  41/ 44/ 15             Provascan 3.0          Beppe Bezzi     138      17
12  40/ 44/ 15             Porch Swing 2                  JKW     135     175
13  29/ 22/ 49                  Hector 2          Kurt Franke     135     182
14  35/ 36/ 29            Tornado 2.0 h1          Beppe Bezzi     135     107
15  40/ 45/ 15            Provascan 2.0d              B.Bezzi     135       1
16  29/ 24/ 47          juliet and paper M R Bremer, B. Bezzi     134     263
17  39/ 45/ 15                    testPW    Maurizio Vittuari     134       8
18  21/  9/ 70               Night Train           Karl Lewin     134     154
19  37/ 41/ 22                  Derision           M R Bremer     133     286
20  37/ 43/ 20                  Qwiksand       Wayne Sheppard     130      73
21  31/ 32/ 36               Dynamo v.1a    John K. Wilkinson     130       6
22  37/ 45/ 18               Persistence          Kurt Franke     130      74
23  27/ 24/ 49                      Aeka                T.Hsu     129      27
24  19/  9/ 72              DoorMat v0.1              K Lewin     129     116
25  36/ 43/ 22               myVamp v3.7             Paulsson     128     614

As you can see quiz still strongly holds the leadership, followed by Frontwards,
La Bomba and two new entries: R. Macrae's Mason 2.0, an evolution of
Mason 1.0, and my own Boombastic, a fast bomber based on Tornado engine.
A new entry gets also a good position: Harmony's P. Kline, a couple of
scanners that work in parallel (you can find it just published!).
Provascan 2.0d, by B. Bezzi, has been subscribed by me as a test (and yet
alive only for error): I'll kill it as soon as possible.
Note that it has been subscribed also a copy of Aeka, an old warrior: we aren't
able to guess the reason...
We think it would be fair to free a slot, in favour of other original

94 - What's New (in order of appearance)

10  40/ 42/ 18          Fire Master v1.5            JS Pulido     138       1
23  20/ 13/ 67                      test              P.Kline     127       1
25  35/ 45/ 20                    testSC              P.Kline     126       1
13  28/ 24/ 48                      Aeka                T.Hsu     132       1
16  38/ 44/ 18           Prova_e_Riprova    Maurizio Vittuari     133       1
 4  30/ 13/ 57                  test i4h               Planar     146       1
 8  39/ 41/ 21                   Harmony              P.Kline     136       1
21  39/ 46/ 15                    testPW    Maurizio Vittuari     132       1
15  33/ 32/ 34               Dynamo v.1a    John K. Wilkinson     134       1
17  35/ 36/ 29                 Brand 3.0        Robert Macrae     133       1
 6  37/ 34/ 29                 Mason 2.0        Robert Macrae     140       1
 8  40/ 41/ 20                Boombastic    Maurizio Vittuari     139       1

A particular mention to Mason 2.0, Harmony, a redundant (published) scanner,
and... Boombastic, my new bomber under costruction.

94 - What's No More

26  37/ 46/ 17             Porch Swing +         Randy Graham     127      79
26  33/ 39/ 28                endpoint .           M R Bremer     126     254
26  29/ 33/ 38             Paper8-IV 2.1             G. Eadon     125      28
26  20/ 15/ 65                      test              P.Kline     125      12
26   2/  2/  1                   testbns    Maurizio Vittuari       5      15
26   1/  2/  0                    testbn    Maurizio Vittuari       5      26
26   2/  1/  1                    testSC              P.Kline       6       4
26   4/  0/  0                  test i4h               Planar      12       1
26  36/ 51/ 13              Babbo Natale    Maurizio Vittuari     121       5
26   2/  1/  0           Prova_e_Riprova    Maurizio Vittuari       7       5
26   1/  2/  1                 Brand 3.0        Robert Macrae       4       2
26  36/ 45/ 19          Fire Master v1.5            JS Pulido     127      38
26  37/ 48/ 14                     ltest         Anders Ivner     126     183

Many tests, two ultra centenaries (ltest and endpoint .) and some younger
warriors are no more.

What's Old

 6  36/ 32/ 32                 Torch t18              P.Kline     140     646
10  34/ 30/ 36           Jack in the box          Beppe Bezzi     138     634
25  36/ 43/ 22               myVamp v3.7             Paulsson     128     614
19  37/ 41/ 22                  Derision           M R Bremer     133     286
 1  45/ 39/ 16                      quiz              Schitzo     150     267
16  29/ 24/ 47          juliet and paper M R Bremer, B. Bezzi     134     263
 5  34/ 26/ 40                  La Bomba          Beppe Bezzi     141     262

Seven warriors passed 200 age, the three veterans are over 600.
They're quite healthy, excepted myVamp with more than one trouble to solve...

* means the warrior is still running.

Pos    Name                  Author          Age     Strategy
 1  Iron Gate 1.5          Wayne Sheppard    926    CMP scanner
 2  Agony II               Stefan Strack     912    CMP scanner
 3  Blue Funk              Steven Morrell    869    Stone/ imp
 4  Thermite 1.0           Robert Macrae     802    Qscan -> bomber
 5  Blue Funk 3            Steven Morrell    766    Stone/ imp
 6  HeremScimitar          A.Ivner,P.Kline   666    Bomber
 7  Torch t18              P.Kline           646 *  Bomber
 8  Jack in the box        Beppe Bezzi       634 *  P-warrior
 9  myVamp v3.7            Paulsson          614 *  Vampire
10  Armory - A5            Wilkinson         609    P-warrior
11  Phq                    Maurizio Vittuari 589    Qscan -> replicator
12  B-Panama X             Steven Morrell    518    Stone/ replicator
13  NC 94                  Wayne Sheppard    387    Stone/ imp
14  Cannonade              P.Kline           382    Stone/ imp
15  Torch t17              P.Kline           378    Bomber
16  Lucky 3                Stefan Strack     355    Stone/ imp
17  Request v2.0           Brant D. Thomsen  347    Qvamp -> vampire
18  Dragon Spear           c w blue          346    CMP scanner
19  Leprechaun on speed    Anders Ivner      344    Qscan -> scanner/bomber
20  juliet storm           M R Bremer        333    Stone/ imp

The "three musketeers", Torch, Jack and myVamp, pass Phq and Armory and
continue running (with some problems for myVamp...).
The next step will be HeremScimitar ?

Current Status of the Internet Pizza Server Beginner's Hill:

 #  %W/ %L/ %T                      Name               Author   Score     Age
 1  48/  8/ 44                      Aeka                T.Hsu     187      22
 2  59/ 31/  9                      Rave        Stefan Strack     187      21
 3  48/ 16/ 37              Spacehead1.1                Warpi     179      39
 4  49/ 20/ 31              Hint Test v6           M R Bremer     178      94
 5  55/ 34/ 11               Our Vamp v2 R Bartolome & JS Pul     175      27
 6  48/ 20/ 32               Serendipity         A. Nevermind     175      95
 7  45/ 17/ 38                 Spacehead                Warpi     173      50
 8  47/ 30/ 23           Winter Werewolf         W. Mintardjo     163      19
 9  44/ 29/ 27       Hey, Kool-Aid! v2.9         David Boeren     160      10
10  46/ 33/ 21       Hey, Kool-Aid! v2.2         David Boeren     159      18
11  30/  7/ 63                 Fortitude         A. Nevermind     152      93
12  33/ 15/ 52                  GCSpiral              Example     150      20
13  43/ 36/ 21                Paperstone                Warpi     150      54
14  42/ 38/ 20                     test3                Kafka     145      75
15  45/ 48/  7               polyphemous                Kafka     143      61
16  39/ 39/ 23                     test4                Kafka     139      74
17  38/ 38/ 24           Paperstone v1.2                Warpi     138      51
18  33/ 36/ 31 Everybody Must Get Stoned       Nathan Summers     129      63
19  40/ 51/  9                      test                Kafka     129      84
20  37/ 48/ 16                    test-b       Raul Bartolome     125       2
21  35/ 50/ 16                    test-A       Raul Bartolome     119       1
22  33/ 55/ 12                     Dwarf         T. H. Davies     111      59
23  25/ 67/  9               Cancer v1.0         David Boeren      83       5
24  25/ 70/  5                Hopper 2.0            J.Shelton      81       6
25  21/ 74/  5                    Hopper            J.Shelton      69       9

As you can see the hill is actually leaded by two old warriors, not
beginner's warriors at all!
We have received lots of remostrances...
What we can tell here is that it would be fair that they'd be deleted, as soon
as possible, by the person who has subcribed them if possible.

The hint
The very basics of Core War game strategy.
(How to improve your beginner's warrior)

In this issue we shall try to discuss about improving warriors.
First of all a little preface for the beginner: we want to clarify the
meaning of the sentence "a warrior better than another one".
At the moment, as you know, our "work" is to try to make our warriors
enough powerful so that they can enter in a 25 warrior populed heap, that we 
usually call hill ;-).
One of the first things that a novice (apart the redcode language ;-) should
know about this game, is that for each given warrior, there exists a warrior
that can defeat it in the long distance.
Maybe one of the main differences between a beginner's and a veteran's program
is the range of enemy types it can succesfully face: this is often the reason
why a warrior going very well in the beginner hill, often finds many problems 
if subscribed on the 94 hill.
Let's see some examples...
In the last number Beppe showed us how to improve a beginner's scanner, and he
put it into the 94-hill (Provascan 2.0); then he modified again the warrior
and reached the second place (Provascan 3.0)!
I tried to make some changes to version 2.0, and even if I couldn't score as
high as Beppe (Provascan 3.0 is in the top ten, and it can be considered, as
his previous version, no more a beginner's warrior!), I think it's an useful
challenge for the beginner trying to improve it (not such an easy exercise!).
Now we discuss some basic and reasonable moves that can be attempted to
modify it succesfully.
I remind you that Provascan is a 50%c B-scanner with boot and relative decoy,
and spl0-dat core clear (for further details see Core Warrior 9); it plays
conventionally the role of scissors, in the well known
scissors-paper(replicators)-stone(bombers) analogy.

We start analizying some interesting results of Provascan 2.0:

Provascan 2.0d vs Frontwards	95/72/33	(one shot scanner)
Noboot vs Frontwards		55/129/16

Provascan 2.0d vs La Bomba	87/70/43	(QScan--> Paper)
Noboot vs La Bomba		97/76/27

Provascan 2.0d vs Impfinity4g1	93/93/14	(Imp stuffs! ;-)
Noboot vs Impfinity v4g1	90/88/22

Provascan 2.0d vs Torch t18	85/88/27	(incendiary bomber)
Noboot vs Torch t18		91/77/32

Provascan 2.0d vs Porch Swing 2	81/80/39        (one shot scan/bomber)
Noboot vs Porch Swing 2		59/111/30

Question: but booting is truly useful ?
Let's see the result!
Noboot (the same version but without boot) is faster, because doesn't
have to spend some initial cycles executing the copy, and can immediately
start scanning.
It's reasonable to think that Noboot will gain something against warriors 
not scanning the core.
If we neglect fluctuations, we see that Noboot works quite better against
Torch (a bomber) and also against La Bomba (maybe Noboot can reach and hit,
with a spl0 carpet, the paper before it spreads away.
Against Impfinity we can't see any obvious difference.
But take a look of what happens with one-shot scanners!
Against these guys the boot is highly recommended, as you can see from
the scores: they stop scanning and start to fire from your decoy
(with the core clear), while you are safe in another part of the core,
scanning and ready to bomb them later.
Overally we understand that isn't a very good idea to take away the booting
section (at least in the current hill) from our 50%c scanner!

Now, extablished that booting is a quite pretty idea ;-), we want to try
another stuff: who of you, did never hate (maybe even for a while) those
little, ugly and hard-to-die imps ;-) ?
(answer: maybe only our dad_of_imp_Planar never hated his little
and *pretty* "creatures"...;-)
So what about on installing an anti-imp core clear on our favourite scanner ?
Let's take a look at this version of ProvaScan (I left the original comments
of Beppe and changed just the clear and very very other little things):
BTW Prova_and_Riprova means Try_and_Try_Again!

;name Prova_e_Riprova
;author Maurizio Vittuari
;strategy B-scanner
;strategy This is a personal defiance to Beppe ;-)
;strategy hoping to improve Provascan for the hint
;strategy on the New Year's Day issue
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

step    equ 	3364
away	equ	3198+1

trap	dat	0,	0	;0
	dat	0,	0    ;we can use equs for those dat 0,0 they are left
dest	dat	0,	0    ;for clarity
	dat	0,	0
	dat	0,	0	;0
loop    add 	#step,	ptr
ptr     jmz 	loop,	trap+step
	mov.b 	ptr,    dest
cnt     mov 	#7,	0	;0
clear	mov 	bomb,	>dest
	djn 	clear,	cnt
	jmn 	loop,	trap
bomb	spl	#6,	0	;0
	mov	kill,	}bomb   ;1st pass: spl0-dat carpet
	mov	kill-1,	}bomb	;and then 2nd pass: only dat <2667,<-2666
	jmp	-2
	spl	#4,	0	;0
kill	dat	<2667,	<-2666

boot	mov	kill,	away
for 12
	mov	{boot,	<boot	     ;the faster way to boot away
	mov	#0,	boot+2	     ;we have to set those b-fields to zero
	mov	#0,	boot+6	     ;to save time later
	mov	#0,	boot+10
	mov	#0,	boot+14
jump	jmp	boot+away-11,>away-34	;> is to set trap b-field non zero

	dat	jump,	0	    ;this decoy doesn't have two equal cells
	dat	bomb,	boot	    ;and also has all fourth b-field at zero
	dat	boot,	kill
	dat	clear,	boot
end boot

Prova_e_Riprova vs Impfinity v4g1 	10/96/94    (AArgh!)
Prova_e_Riprova vs Torch t18 		81/86/33
Prova_e_Riprova vs Provascan 3.0 	93/94/13
Prova_e_Riprova vs Frontwards v2	86/74/40
Prova_e_Riprova vs La Bomba 		58/85/57
Prova_e_Riprova vs Night Train		98/36/66
Prova_e_Riprova vs DoorMat 		99/36/65

Provascan 2.0d vs Night Train wins:	44/39/117
Provascan 2.0d vs DoorMat v0.1 wins: 	46/48/106

Two words about these results:
They follow our expectations when fighting against Torch and Provascan 3.0; 
this version is quite better then 2.0d against imp stuffers as Doormat 
and Night Train.
On the contrary I can't understand what actually happened against La Bomba
(at home my tests gave very different results...); against Frontwards the 
performance was slightly worse than the one by version 2.0d, maybe for the 
couple of istructions added for the clear (now P_e_R is no more so tiny, 
and also a bit slower in core cleaning!).
What is quite unexpected is the score against Impfinity; maybe here the
bi-directional core clear is much better, and probably P_e_R is very often

Some interesting changes, left as an useful exercise to my twenty-five readers,
can be:
-try to change the scan step
-try to change the carpet dimension
-try to change the starting offset of the core clear
-try to change boot distance
-try to write a better coreclear: smaller than mine [not so hard] and possibly
 bidirectional and anti-imp [not so easy]
-reengineer the program and reduce the number of istructions [quite hard]
-find the changes that make this version score better than Provascan 3.0 ;-)

Well, I think that's all for this issue, hoping to have been clear...
anyway you can mail me at
Now I leave you with Planar and his interesting tutorial.


			  CDB tutorial, part 2

In the first part of this tutorial, we explored the most basic
commands of GDB.  Now we are ready for much more powerful features,
features that give most of its power to CDB (and make its input look
like line noise).  We won't write macros yet, but we'll write CDB
programs in the form of complex command lines.


Last time, we found the point where Fahrenheit bombed itself with the
"skip" command.  It was a bit tedious because we were typing these two
commands over and over:

(cdb) skip 999
(cdb) 0,4

There is a better way.  Just type:

(cdb) skip 999 ~ 0,4

CDB will execute the two commands and display their results before
giving the prompt back.  So you can put a tilde instead of pressing
<Enter> between two commands.  Big deal.

Indeed, this feature will save a lot of your time.  Press <Enter> now,
and CDB will repeat the entire command line, not just the last
command.  You don't have to retype the two commands over and over.

Suppose you lose track of the time and you want to use "registers" to
see the current cycle.  If you type

(cdb) registers

you'll see the cycle count, but you lose your "previous command"
buffer and you have to type "skip 999~0,4" again.  But if you type

(cdb)  registers

with a space before the "registers", CDB will execute "registers" but
keep the old "previous command".  Now if you press <Enter>, CDB will
execute the "skip" and the "list".

Notice that, when you type "skip 999 ~ 0,4", CDB will execute both
commands and display their results.  "skip" executes first and
displays the next instruction to execute, then "0,4" displays the
first five core locations.  This is messy.  If you type instead

(cdb) @skip 999 ~ 0,4

the "skip" command will execute without display.  The "@" operator,
placed before a command, will tell CDB to suppress the display of this


Use "go" to skip to a new battle, then type

(cdb) @skip 999 ~ @list 0 ~ if B!=3039 ~ 0,4

Here is what CDB will do:
1. silently step 1000 times (@skip 999)
2. silently list the first core location (@list 0)
   What's the point in listing the first core location if you don't
   display the listing ?  It's to set the dot address (and the A and B
   values).  You'll do it all the time in CDB programming.
3. Test if the B-value of location 0 is different from 3039.  If so,
   CDB will execute the next command (0,4); if not, CDB will skip
   the next command and give the prompt back.

Now, you can press <Enter> until CDB displays the listing of
Fahrenheit.  You'll see that Fahrenheit has bombed itself.

So this is how the "if" command works: execute the following command
only if the condition is true.  The condition is any expression, it is
true if not equal to zero, false if equal to zero.  Easy, isn't it ?


Try this:

(cdb) @step ~ !1000

and notice that it is exactly equivalent to "@skip 999".  What does it
mean ?  The "!" command means "repeat the beginning of the command
line up to this (!) command".  Here, this will repeat the "@step".
The argument to "!" is the number of times that CDB must repeat the
line.  (Warning: for some strange reasons, sometimes MacpMARS will not
accept a space between the ~ and the !)

So we told CDB to repeat 1000 times "@step".  If we use

(cdb) @step ~ !999 ~ step

this is equivalent to "skip 999": step 999 times silently and once
with display.

If you omit the argument to "!", CDB will loop forever.  Typing

(cdb) @step ~ !

is equivalent to "continue", but slower.  You'll have to press
Control-C to get back to the prompt.  (In this case, Control-C doesn't
work in the X-window version.  I have to type Control-C in the
terminal window where I launched pMARS from.  This will be fixed in
the next version of pMARS.)

In addition to the loop count, you can use "if" to break out of a
loop: if you use "if" to skip over the "!" command, the loop will
stop.  Use "go" to skip to a new battle and type:

(cdb) @step ~ @list 0 ~ if B==3039 ~ !

CDB will step until Fahrenheit has bombed itself.  Use "registers" to
get the exact cycle when this happens, subtract the remaining cycles
from 80000, use "go" to start an new battle and skip to just before
the bombing.  Check that the next instruction will bomb core
location 0, step over it and check that it does bomb that core

So this is finally the right way of finding when and how Fahrenheit
bombs itself.  In just one short command line, we can do the same work
as the tedious process of skipping in decreasing increments that we
used last time.  Note that we can use this technique only if we know
which of Fahrenheit's instructions is bombed.  I think Stefan has some
predefined macros that will help us further.  We'll keep them for
part 3.

Changing the core

We'll want to experiment by changing some of Fahrenheit's constants to
see which one makes it bomb itself the latest.  For example, to set
the B-value of location 1, we'll set the whole location with the
command "edit".  It takes an address as argument.  In interactive
mode, "edit" will prompt you for a line of redcode to put at this
address.  In a command line, "edit" will take the next "command"
(whatever is between the next ~ and the following one) as the line of
redcode.  For example, if you type:

(cdb) edit 1
mov.i <100, <2000

CDB will set the contents of core location 1 to this instruction, in
effect changing the B-value of the instruction to 2000.  You could
instead type:

(cdb) edit 1 ~ mov.i <100, <2000

If we want to see the effect of a big decoy on Fahrenheit's DJN
stream, we can use:

(cdb) fill 5700,5800
dat 1, 1

This will set the 101 core locations between 5700 and 5800 to
"DAT 1, 1".  As with "edit", we can give the instruction on the
command line after a ~.  Determine on which cycle Fahrenheit bombs
itself when this decoy is present.


CBD can also do arbitrary calculations (and display the results).  The
command to use for this is "calc".  Try:

(cdb) calc 2+2
(cdb) calc B+1, .+A
(cdb) calc D=D+1

CDB provides 24 variables for your use: C...Z (remember that A and B
contain the A-value and B-value of the dot address; you cannot assign
to them).  An expression can contain an assignment, as in the C
language.  You will often use "@calc" to do an assignment and avoid
printing the result.

Nested loops

Let's make CDB work hard to determine the constant that will make
Fahrenheit bomb its SPL line as late as possible.  We'll try the
values of the interval [1004,1007] for the B-field of the first MOV.

We'll use two nested loops: the outer loop will enumerate the 4
values for the constant, and the inner loop will execute the battle
step by step, checking the SPL after each instruction.

For nested loop, we use the "!!" instruction.  It marks the opening of
the loop, which is closed by a matching "!".  Our command lines will
be (I've broken the long line, but you must type it in one line
without the \):

(cdb) ca C=1003,X=3039
(cdb) !!~ca C=C+1,D=0~@ed1~mov.i<100,<C~!!~@ca D=D+1~@s~@0~if \
B==X~!~ca d~@g~@s~!4

This is a detailed explanation:

!!                        start the outer loop
   ca C=C+1, D=0             increment the outer loop counter, reset
                             the inner loop counter (and print the
   @ed 1~mov.i <100,<C       set the first MOV instruction
   !!                        start the inner loop
      @ca D=D+1                increment the inner loop counter
      @s                       step the warrior once
      @0                       set the dot address to 1
      if B==3039~!             end the inner loop if self-bombed
   ca D                      print the constant and number of cycles
   @g~@s                     skip to the first cycle of the next battle
!4                        loop 4 times for the outer loop

Four values is not a lot, but I couldn't do better with the strong
suicidal tendency of Fahrenheit (see exercise 6 below).  What would
you do to reduce this tendency ?

There's no reason I should be the one doing all the work, so here are
a few exercises.  Note that you won't be able to test your solutions
because my command line is very close to the maximum size allowed by
pMARS.  We'll have to define macros to overcome this limitation.

1. The above loop will take a lot of time.  Accelerate it by stepping
   10 by 10 instead of 1 by 1.
2. We're only interested in the value that gives the greatest number
   of cycles.  Change the command line to display only that value and
   the corresponding number of cycles.
3. Use "fill" to abort the current battle instead of finishing it with
   "go".  How much faster is this ?
4. Even faster: instead of doing the inner loop step by step all the
   way, skip to the greatest number of cycles so far, and start
   stepping from there if the SPL is still not bombed.  (Is that
   clear ?)
5. Figure out a way of putting a sequence of instructions under an
   "if" instead of a single instruction, so that the sequence is
   executed only when the condition is true.
6. [hard] The inner loop fails to stop if the self-bombing doesn't
   occur on the SPL.  How do you make it work in all cases ?

The end

This is all for this part.  In the next one, you'll have the answers
to the exercises, and Stefan will tell us about macros.  There's a
whole lot of useful predefined macros that come with pMARS.

Stefan is on vacation, so he didn't proofread this part.  Blame him if
it is not as good as part 1 (-:


I want to greet you with a few lines written by Myer R Bremer on issue 4...

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Damien is much too modest.  Imp spirals are one of the most
difficult subjects to understand.  Impfinity missed the '94 draft hill by
only a fraction of a point.  I'm sure he'll breach the hill very soon.  Spoke
too soon.  Impfinity has just entered the hill as I am posting.

Well, I think that now Impfinity is going very well!
Myer has a very good sight! ;-)

Questions?  Concerns?  Comments?   Complaints?  Mail them to:
Beppe Bezzi <> or Myer R Bremer <> or
for this issue to Maurizio Vittuari <>
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