Infinite Hills
For Beginners
First Steps
For Beginners
> Home > The Corewar Newsletters > Core Warrior > Issue #1

Issue 69                                                        20 august, 1998
Core Warrior is a newsletter promoting the game of corewar. Emphasis is placed
on the most active hills--currently the '94 draft hill and the beginner hill.
Coverage will follow where ever the action is.  If you have no clue what I'm
talking about then check out these five-star internet locals for more

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pMARS itself is also available from:
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Web pages are at:                            ;Stormking        ;Pizza      ;Planar

Newbies should check the stormking page for the FAQ, language specification,
guides, and tutorials.  Post questions to  All new players
are infinitely welcome!

A collection of Bezzi's hints in the first issues is available at:
Welcome back. 

You can find in this issue three hints written by John Metcalf and Ian Oversby.
So enjoy and happy programming.

-- Christian Schmidt
Current Status of the Internet Pizza Server ICWS '94 Draft Hill:

Hill Specs:
         coresize: 8000
   max. processes: 8000
         duration: after 80,000 cycles, a tie is declared.
max. entry length: 100
 minimum distance: 100
    rounds fought: 200
  instruction set: ICWS '94 Draft

 #   %W /  %L /  %T                       Name               Author Score  Age
 1  44.2/ 35.6/ 20.3             Recycled Bits          David Moore 152.7    7
 2  35.7/ 25.5/ 38.8                      Vain          Ian Oversby 145.9   93
 3  36.4/ 28.2/ 35.4                     Vigor         Ken Espiritu 144.6   81
 4  39.4/ 34.5/ 26.1                  Defender          Ian Oversby 144.3    1
 5  36.4/ 28.7/ 35.0                     Fixed         Ken Espiritu 144.1   77
 6  35.3/ 26.6/ 38.1                    Shadow    Christian Schmidt 144.0    0
 7  33.5/ 23.5/ 43.0                      Newt          Ian Oversby 143.4  171
 8  27.8/ 14.0/ 58.2                  Fugitive          David Moore 141.5   47
 9  33.5/ 25.5/ 41.0         Tuesday Afternoon             John K W 141.5   21
10  40.4/ 40.1/ 19.6      Diamonds and Rust v2    Christian Schmidt 140.7   12
11  36.9/ 33.6/ 29.5                     Shape    Christian Schmidt 140.2   18
12  31.9/ 25.1/ 43.0             Ultraviolet-B         Ken Espiritu 138.6  103
13  27.7/ 16.9/ 55.4 Return Of Return Of The J             John K W 138.6   43
14  35.5/ 32.4/ 32.1              Fire and Ice          David Moore 138.6   66
15  33.4/ 29.1/ 37.5                     Alien    Christian Schmidt 137.6   26
16  36.7/ 36.2/ 27.1               Digitalis 4    Christian Schmidt 137.3   65
17  37.2/ 37.2/ 25.5            The Body Guard          Ian Oversby 137.3   20
18  39.0/ 42.5/ 18.5                 Blurstone        M. J. Pihlaja 135.6   17
19  33.0/ 31.0/ 36.0            Nine Seven Six           M R bremer 135.0    2
20  38.4/ 42.3/ 19.3           Electric Head 2        Anton Marsden 134.4   21
21  30.0/ 26.1/ 43.9                    Gigolo   Core Warrior staff 133.9    3
22  34.9/ 36.5/ 28.6                 Tornado 4          Beppe Bezzi 133.3    4
23  36.1/ 41.7/ 22.1                    Eraser         Ken Espiritu 130.6   18
24  32.6/ 34.9/ 32.5               Falcon v0.5          Ian Oversby 130.3    0
25  31.7/ 35.7/ 32.6                     C I A         Anders Ivner 127.6    7

Age since last issue: 13 ( 7 last issue, 34 the issue before )
New warriors: 9  Turnover/age rate 69%
Average age: 36 ( 34 last issue, 32 the issue before )
Average score: 138 ( 134 last issue, 133 the issue before )
The top 25 warriors are represented by just 9 independent authors: Schmidt and 
Oversby with 5, Espiritu with 4, Moore with 3, Wilkinson with 2, and the rest
with one each.

David Moore's Recycled Bits dominates with a big gap the hill.
94 - What's New

 #   %W /  %L /  %T                       Name               Author Score  Age
 2  38.5/ 35.9/ 25.6                  Defender          Ian Oversby 141.1    0
21  29.4/ 28.6/ 42.0                 Faces 0.1           Csaba Biro 130.1    1
 1  41.7/ 37.3/ 21.0      Diamonds and Rust v2    Christian Schmidt 146.0    0
 3  41.9/ 43.9/ 14.3                Red Carpet          David Moore 139.9    1
 1  45.6/ 34.5/ 19.8             Recycled Bits          David Moore 156.7    0
18  32.8/ 35.8/ 31.4                     C I A         Anders Ivner 129.8    0
23  30.6/ 36.3/ 33.1               Falcon v0.5          Ian Oversby 124.9    0
 4  33.4/ 27.8/ 38.8                    Shadow    Christian Schmidt 138.9    0
??   ?  /  ?  /  ?              Nine Seven Six           M R bremer   ?      1
??   ?  /  ?  /  ?                      Gigolo   Core Warrior staff   ?      1
??   ?  /  ?  /  ?                   Tornado 4          Beppe Bezzi   ?      1

Diamonds and Rust v2 spots the first place until Moore strikes back with his
new version of Recycled Bits.
94 - What's No More
 #   %W /  %L /  %T                       Name               Author Score  Age
26  29.4/ 33.3/ 37.3 obvious to those who know        Robert Macrae 125.4  117
26   1.9/  2.0/  0.1                Red Carpet          David Moore   5.8    3
26  32.5/ 41.9/ 25.6 He Scans a Little Crooked              P.Kline 123.0    7
26   1.2/  1.6/  1.2                    Shadow    Christian Schmidt   4.8   17

The only significant loss here is Macrae's obviouse to those...
94 - What's Old
 #   %W /  %L /  %T                       Name               Author Score  Age
 7  33.5/ 23.5/ 43.0                      Newt          Ian Oversby 143.4  171
12  31.9/ 25.1/ 43.0             Ultraviolet-B         Ken Espiritu 138.6  103
 2  35.7/ 25.5/ 38.8                      Vain          Ian Oversby 145.9   93

Newt keeps on going followed by Ultraviolet-B and Ian's next stone/imp Vain.
* means the warrior is still active.
Pos    Name                  Author          Age     Strategy
 1  Thermite II            Robert Macrae     2262    Qscan -> bomber
 2  Impfinity v4g1         Planar            1993    Stone/ imp
 3  Jack in the box        Beppe Bezzi       1620    P-warrior
 4  Tornado 3.0            Beppe Bezzi       1567    Bomber
 5  Torch t18              P.Kline           1539    Bomber
 6  Chameleon              Myer R Bremer     1437    P-warrior
 7  Frontwards v2          Steven Morrell    1420    One shot scanner
 8  Evol Cap 6.6           John Wilkinson    1299    Imp / stone
 9  quiz                   Schitzo           1262    Scanner/ bomber
10  T.N.T.                 Maurizio Vittuari 1204    Bomber
11  Grilled Octopus v0.5   David Boeren      1154    P-warrior
12  Hazy Shade II          John Wilkinson    1102    P-warrior
13  Stepping Stone         Kurt Franke       1049    Qscan -> Vampire
14  Rosebud                Beppe Bezzi        993    Stone/ imp
15  Iron Gate 1.5          Wayne Sheppard     926    CMP scanner
16  T.N.T. pro             Maurizio Vittuari  925    Bomber
17  Agony II               Stefan Strack      912    CMP scanner
18  Barrage                Anton Marsden      876    Qscan -> replicator
19  Blue Funk              Steven Morrell     869    Stone/ imp
20  Flurry                 Anton Marsden      835    Qscan -> pwarrior
21  Thermite 1.0           Robert Macrae      802    Qscan -> bomber
22  Blue Funk 3            Steven Morrell     766    Stone/ imp
23  Night Train            Karl Lewin         755    Replicator
24  Mirage 1.5             Anton Marsden      736    Scanner/ bomber
25  Blizzard               Anton Marsden      713    Qscan -> replicator
* means the warrior is still active.

Pos    Name                  Author          Age     Strategy
 1  Probe                  Anton Marsden      403    Q^2 -> Bomber
 2  Blur 2                 Anton Marsden      396    Scanner
 3  Damage Incorporated    Anton Marsden      373    Q^2 -> Bomber
 4  Return Of The Jedimp   John K W           357    Q^2 -> Stone/imp
 5  unrequited love        kafka              346    Q^2 -> Paper
 6  Impish v0.2            Ian Oversby        345    Stone/imp
 7  Gigolo                 Core Warrior staff 332    Q^2 -> Stone/imp
 8  Falcon v0.3            Ian Oversby        275    P-warrior
 9  Nine Seven Six         M R Bremer         232    Q^2 -> Stone/imp
10  Rosebud                Beppe              218    Stone/imp
11  Q^2 Miro               Anders Ivner       214    Q^2 -> Scanner/bomber
12  Instant Wolf 3.4       Edgar              205    P-warrior
13  Goldfinch              P.Kline            201    P-warrior
14  Simple v0.4b           Ian Oversby        197    QScan -> Stone/imp
15  Trident^2              John K W           195    Q^2 -> Stone/imp
16  ompega                 Steven Morrell     189    Stone/imp
17  Frogz                  Franz              172    Q^2 -> Paper
18  Newt                   Ian Oversby        171 *  Q^2 -> Stone/imp
19  The Machine            Anton Marsden      164    Scanner
20  Memories               Beppe              152    Scanner
21  Head or Tail           Christian Schmidt  142    Q^2 -> Paper
22  Electric Head          Anton Marsden      140    P-warrior
23  Tiberius 3.1           Franz              130    Q^2 -> Paper
24  obvious to those who k Robert Macrae      117    Q^2 -> Paper	
25  Solomon v0.8           Ian Oversby        116    Stone and scanner

Obviouse stops at 24th, while Newt climbs another place to 18th.
Current Status of the Internet Pizza Server Beginner's Hill:

Hill Specs:
         coresize: 8000
   max. processes: 8000
         duration: after 80,000 cycles, a tie is declared.
max. entry length: 100
 minimum distance: 100
      maximum age: At age 100, warriors are retired.
    rounds fought: 200
  instruction set: ICWS '94 Draft

Last challenge: Mon Aug 17 15:15:29 PDT 1998
 #   %W /  %L /  %T                       Name               Author Score  Age
 1  60.3/ 26.9/ 12.9          Hostile Takeover         Ryan Coleman 193.7   25
 2  49.0/ 31.9/ 19.2              Cut 'n Paste          Mark Howard 166.0   19
 3  48.1/ 39.6/ 12.3                 Have Pity         John Metcalf 156.6    4
 4  46.8/ 39.2/ 14.0                   OXY-10           Mark Howard 154.4   17
 5  45.9/ 39.8/ 14.2              Snowman v4.2         John Metcalf 152.1    3
 6  42.4/ 33.5/ 24.1          Jam Major Zick 3         Ryan Coleman 151.2   31
 7  44.7/ 39.1/ 16.2            Look or Drop??         Ryan Coleman 150.3   27
 8  37.6/ 30.5/ 32.0                 StiZ v0.1                Stajp 144.6   38
 9  32.4/ 21.6/ 46.0                    SpiImp      Sergio Camarena 143.3   54
10  32.4/ 21.6/ 46.0                    SpiImp      Sergio Camarena 143.2   55
11  36.4/ 30.5/ 33.1                  Stranger         John Metcalf 142.2    9
12  33.7/ 26.7/ 39.6                    Weasel                  WFB 140.7   18
13  40.8/ 41.8/ 17.5     stargate derivative 1 P._V._K., Beppe Bezz 139.7   21
14  33.2/ 27.0/ 39.8                 StiY v0.1                Stajp 139.3   39
15  38.1/ 37.2/ 24.7                 Arsonic B             P._V._K. 139.1   33
16  32.3/ 25.7/ 42.0        Multiply or Drop??         Ryan Coleman 138.8   32
17  31.8/ 25.4/ 42.8        More Snotty CSnots                  WFB 138.2   35
18  39.5/ 40.9/ 19.6          Silly Evil Quack         Ryan Coleman 138.0   30
19  27.2/ 18.1/ 54.7          Unknown Quantity         John Metcalf 136.4    2
20  37.0/ 38.5/ 24.5                   Big Guy           John Lewis 135.4   64
21  39.7/ 44.0/ 16.3                 Neverland         John Metcalf 135.4    5
22  30.7/ 26.7/ 42.6         More Snotty Snots                  WFB 134.7   36
23  35.3/ 42.9/ 21.9           One Step Beyond         John Metcalf 127.6   79
24   5.6/ 79.5/ 14.8                 Whatisit?         John Metcalf  31.7    1
25   7.7/  0.2/  0.1                 Multipack         John Metcalf  23.3   11

Ryan dominates with a very, very big gap the Beginner's Hill. Mmmmhhhh, he 
gets 100% wins against his own warriors. Mmmhhh, looks like hostile takeover?!

The Hint - Code snippets by John Metcalf

For warriors which contain a multi-process paper, or a vector
launched imp, it is neccessary to create a number of processes
running in parallel. The usual method of achieving this is to
use a combination of spl 1 and mov -1,0 instructions.

So says Beppe Bezzi in Corewarrior #1:
: The simpler way to generate an exact number of parallel
: processes is converting the number required in binary 3 -> 11,
: subtract one -> 10, use a spl 1 for every one and a mov -1,0
: for every zero.

E.g. 5 decimal = 101 binary, take away one = 100 binary. This
becomes the following code,

   spl 1     ;
   mov -1,0  ; Generate 5 processes
   mov -1,0  ;

However, by using these long-overlooked snippets of code I have
found, it is possible to do this slightly faster, and perhaps
even gain an extra b-field or two into the bargain, which can
be used for storing data, or decrementing locations in core.

To date, I have managed to find snippets which product 3,5,7 and
9 processes. If required, it is possible to add a number of
spl 1,<nnn instructions to the end of the snippet. Each one will
double the number of processes.

N   OLD CODE         NEW CODE         COMMENTS

2   spl  1, <xxx     spl  1, <xxx     Here only for completeness

3   spl  1, <xxx     spl  2, <xxx     One cycle faster, and one
    mov -1,    0     spl  1, <yyy     extra b-field

5   spl  1, <xxx     spl  2, <xxx     Faster by two cycles, and
    mov -1,    0     spl  2, <yyy     two extra b-fields
    mov -1,    0     spl  1, <zzz

7   spl  1, <xxx     spl  1, <xxx     One cycle faster, but no
    spl  1, <yyy     spl  1,   }0     extra b-fields, and won't
    mov -1,    0     spl  1, <yyy     work under ICWS'88 and is

9   spl  1, <xxx     spl 2, <xxx      Three cycles faster, plus
    mov -1,    0     spl 2, <yyy      two extra b-fields, but
    mov -1,    0     spl 1,   }0      won't work under ICWS'88
    mov -1,    0     spl 1, <zzz      and is self-modifying.

While you will be lucky if this method gains your paper a
fraction of a point on the hill, it is still clearly better.
Of course, the code for 2^n processes remains identical, and
cannot be improved.

Finally, I'm certain there are some other interesting code
snippets just waiting to be found. Its always interesting
to see that sometimes, the way we've always done something
is not neccessarily the best way :-)

John Metcalf

The Hint - Improving a beginner's warrior by Ian Oversby

Once again, this hint is concerned with improving a beginner's
warrior.  Thank you to WFB for sharing his warrior Weasel with

Here is the original:

;name Weasel
;author WFB
;strategy P-spacer...combines Diamond in the Rough and
;strategy More Snotty CSnots.
;assert CORESIZE==8000
_RES    equ     #0
_STR    equ     #1    ;Not that obviously
step    equ 3044
res     ldp.ab  _RES,   #0
str     ldp.a   _STR,   str1    ;load strategy in use
        sne.ab  #0,     res     ;check result
lost    add.a   #1,     str1    ;lost change 
        mod.a   #2,     str1    ;secure result
win     stp.ab  str1,   _STR
str1    jmp     @0,     dstart
        dat     0,      csnots

for 69
dat }-2667,<2667

dstart  spl #1234
diamond spl #-step,<step
rough   mov >-step,step+1
        add diamond,rough
        djn.f  rough,<diamond-50
        dat #0,#0
        dat #-7
csnots  spl 1,<-200
        mov -1,0
        spl 1,<-800
        mov -1,0
s1      spl @0,}1100 ;experimenting with values-original is 1100
        mov }-1,>-1
s2      spl @0,<2620 ;original is 2620
        mov }-1,>-1
s3      spl @0,{1870 ;original value is 1870
        mov }-1,>-1
        mov snot,<88 ;88
s4      mov {-3,<1
        spl @0,}-639 ;-639
        mov 2,<-4
        jmp -1,<-13
snot    dat <2667,<2667*2
end start

This is a switch on loss p-spacer combining a paper and a stone.
I can see a few minor modifications that may improve it a little.

Firstly, I boot the stone as otherwise we are easily found and
destroyed by one-shot scanners.  I changed the first spl line to
spl #0, #0 for invisibility to f-scans.

I notice the number of processes for the paper does not match the
number of lines.  Maybe removing the final launcher would not
matter too much either.  At the same time I add another mov line
to the first launcher and use the correct number of processes for
the number of lines in the paper.

The result is:

;redcode-b test
;name Weasel
;author WFB
;strategy P-spacer...combines Diamond in the Rough and
;strategy More Snotty CSnots.
;assert CORESIZE==8000
_RES    equ     #0
_STR    equ     #1    ;Not that obviously
step    equ 3044
res     ldp.ab  _RES,   #0
str     ldp.a   _STR,   str1    ;load strategy in use
        sne.ab  #0,     res     ;check result
lost    add.a   #1,     str1    ;lost change 
        mod.a   #2,     str1    ;secure result
win     stp.ab  str1,   _STR
str1    jmp     @0,     sboot
        dat     0,      csnots
for 40
        dat }-2667,<2667

sdist   equ     2000
sboot   mov.i   {loc, <sptr
for 4
        mov.i   {loc, <sptr
        mov.ab  #-7,    *sptr
        spl.b   @sptr,  <-700
sptr    div.f   #sdist, #sdist-1
        dat.f   }300,   >200
dstart  spl #0, #0
diamond spl #-step,<step
rough   mov >-step,step+1
        add diamond,rough
        djn.f  rough,<diamond-50
loc     dat #0,#0

csnots  spl 1,<-200
        spl 1,<-800
        spl 1,<-800
s1      spl @0,}1100 ;experimenting with values-original is 1100
        mov }-1,>-1
        mov }-2,>-2
s2      spl @0,<2620 ;original is 2620
        mov }-1,>-1
s3      spl @0,{1870 ;original value is 1870
        mov }-1,>-1
        mov snot,<88 ;88
        mov 2,<-4
        jmp -1,<-13
snot    dat <2667,<2667*2

end start

15  32.4/ 32.9/ 34.7    Weasel  WFB 131.9    1
19  29.0/ 30.3/ 40.7    Weasel  WFB 127.7   12

This scores about 4 points better than the original.  Time for some

The score against the hill is as follows:

Hostile Takeover        : 38/34/28      P-Spacer
OXY-10                  : 32/41/27      Core-clear
Multipack               : 53/35/12      Scanner/something
Cut'n'Paste             : 24/44/32      Scanner (Oneshot?)
Look or Drop            : 63/25/12      Scanner/Stone
Jam Major Zick 3        : 33/48/19      Scanner
Stranger                : 36/29/35      Incendiary Bomber
Stranger in town        : 44/20/36      ???
StiZ v0.1               : 14/54/32      Paper/Scissors
SpiImp                  : 22/06/72      Something with imps ?
SpiImp                  : 22/06/72      Something with imps ?
Arsonic B               : 45/37/18      Bomber ?
Multiply or Drop        : 02/24/74      Paper/Stone
Stargate...             : 35/41/24      Core-clear
Incisor+                : 24/60/16      One-shot
StiY v0.1               : 03/17/80      Paper/Scissors
Weasel                  : 18/25/57      Paper/Stone
Rusty                   : 30/51/19      Scanner
More Snotty C...        : 14/32/54      Paper
More Snotty Snots       : 30/29/41      Paper
One Step Beyond         : 55/30/15      Scanner
Silly Evil Quack        : 59/35/06      Scanner
Big Guy                 : 14/29/57      ???
Scarecrow               : 64/24/12      Scanner
Sword in the...         : 36/46/18      ???

I can see a definite weakness against one-shot scanners and
core-clears.  We don't score too well against papers either
as we have no stunning power.  I think we will try to counter
the first problem without modifying the warrior too much
away from the original idea.

To kill scanners, we should run the stone more often but
then we are vulnerable to papers.  How about adding an imp to
the stone.  As it has a double spl we aren't slowed too much
and now we have resistance to papers and other stones.  In
addition, maybe the other scanners do not have much imp
resistance and we can improve our score against them.

I took the imp out of Juliet Storm and tacked it on the end.
I also changed the decoy to dat 1,1 to slow djn streams and
moved our own djn stream a little further back to decoy the
enemy one-shots better.  I run the imp/stone twice as often
as the paper although subsequent tests showed this was not as
much improvement as I expected.

The code:

;redcode-b test
;name Weasel
;author WFB
;strategy P-spacer...combines Diamond in the Rough and More Snotty 
;strategy CSnots.
;strategy More testing (Ian)
;assert CORESIZE==8000

_RES    equ     #0
_STR    equ     #121    ;Not that obviously
step    equ 3044
res     ldp.ab  _RES,   #0
str     ldp.a   _STR,   str1    ;load strategy in use
        sne.ab  #0,     res     ;check result
lost    add.a   #1,     str1    ;lost change 
        mod.a   #2,     str1    ;secure result
win     stp.ab  str1,   _STR
str1    jmp     @0,     sboot
        dat     0,      sboot
        dat     0,      csnots

for 17
        dat.f   #1,     @1
        dat.f   #1,     *1
        dat.f   #1,     #1
        dat.f   #1,     @1

sdist   equ     4620
sboot   mov.i   {loc, <sptr
for 4
        mov.i   {loc, <sptr
        mov.ab  #-7,    *sptr
        spl.b   impboot,        <-707
        spl.b   @sptr,  <-700
sptr    div.f   #sdist, #sdist-1
        dat.f   }300,   >200
dstart  spl #0, #0
diamond spl #-step,<step
rough   mov >-step,step+1
        add diamond,rough
        djn.f  rough,<diamond-1051
loc     dat #0,#0

csnots  spl 1,<-200
        spl 1,<-800
        spl 1,<-800
s1      spl @0,}1100 ;experimenting with values-original is 1100
        mov }-1,>-1
        mov }-2,>-2
s2      spl @0,<2620 ;original is 2620
        mov }-1,>-1
s3      spl @0,{1870 ;original value is 1870
        mov }-1,>-1
        mov snot,<88 ;88
        mov 2,<-4
        jmp -1,<-13
snot    dat <2667,<2667*2

imp_sz  equ     2667

impboot spl     1      ,<-450
        spl     1      ,<-458
        spl     <0     ,#vector+1
        djn.a   @vector,#0

imp     mov.i   #imp_sz, *0

        jmp     imp+imp_sz*7,imp+imp_sz*6   
        jmp     imp+imp_sz*5,imp+imp_sz*4   
        jmp     imp+imp_sz*3,imp+imp_sz*2   
vector  jmp     imp+imp_sz  ,imp

end start

The result:

 2  37.5/ 21.7/ 40.8    Weasel  WFB 153.3    1
19  29.0/ 30.3/ 40.7    Weasel  WFB 127.7   12

Not bad!  We lose very badly against Have Pity and the score is worse
than the original against Multipack.  Fixing these problems is left
as an exercise.

The Hint - Longevity, Imp/Stones and Newt by Ian Oversby

In Core War, the true value of a fighter is measured by its age.  Beppe Bezzi, 
a veteran redcoder who should know a few things about long-lasting warriors, 
once pointed out that longevity comes from scoring points not only against the 
current hill but also the hill of the future.  As we do not know how the hill 
of the future is going to look, how can we do this. The answer is simple - 
score well against everything that is viable on the hill.

So, how is it possible to future-proof your new program?  I believe we must 
look at the problem in the correct light.  If we take the traditional analogy 
of warriors to stone/paper/scissors then we condemn our warrior to death as 
the hill balance changes.  If we wrote a scanner then when many stones enter 
the hill we will surely die.  However, this analogy holds very loosely.  For 
example, it is possible to write a stone that will kill paper or paper that 
will kill scissors.  That attitude that we _can_ beat a warrior type that 
would usually beat us is very important.  It is interesting to note that 
Vigor, allegedly a paper, suffers its worst defeat at the hands of a stone 
- Newt.

I will use Newt to illustrate the points I wish to discuss.  Firstly we will 
see how the warrior operates and then we will see how he performs against 
various enemies.

The stone itself bombs and decrements in a mod-5 pattern with the decrements 
offset from the bombs by 2.  This gives as good a pattern as I could wish for.
When the bombing run is finished the core should look like this:


where * is decrement, X is bomb and . is unbombed.  The stone at this point 
will look like this:

        spl.b  #0,    <-step+1
stone   spl.b  #step, <-step
        mov.i  {0,     2
        add.f  stone, -1
hit     djn.f  -2,    <stone-step
        mov.i  cbmb,  >gate
        djn.f  -1,    >gate

The mov line executes, decrementing itself and moving the spl at stone over 
the hit line.  This moves the stone into the core-clear phase.  The stone is 
quite big and slow at seven lines and 0.33c.  However, a correctly placed bomb
is usually fatal to scanner.  The decrements are also quite useful, sometimes 
wounding opponents.  The stone scores well against traditional scanners and 
bombers.  He Scans Alone scores around even.  I believe this is because of the
mod-5 bombing - Tornado scores similarly against HSA.  I feel I could have 
improved this by leaving the spl above stone as a spl #0, #0 making it 
invisible to HSA.  Alternatively, the a-field could be changed to (say) 100 
so it doesn't point to the rest of the stone.  This may have a small effect 
against silk a-field bombing.

The spl line above the stone can be hit with either spl or dat with no effect 
to the correct operation.  The hit line may also be hit with either spl or 
dat.  A dat will slow the warrior but the clear phase will still be entered.  
This helps against both stones and bombers.

The p-spacers are handled by the Q^2 scan and the resistance to imp/stone 
enemies clears and one-shots.  The pattern of bombing provides this 
resistance.  There are five possibilities against a standard d-clear.

        spl #0
        mov bmb, >gate
        djn -1, >gate

1.      Bomb hits the spl, decrement misses  No real harm done
2.      Bomb hits the mov, decrement misses  Clear disabled
3.      Bomb hits the djn, decrement hits spl, Clear 1/3 speed
4.      Bomb misses, decrement hits mov.  Maybe clear moving dat 0,0
5.      Bomb misses, decrement hits djn.  Clear slowed

In cases 2 and 3 we have an excellent chance to kill with our own d-clear 
which is entered after around 6000 cycles.  In case 4 we should tie as the 
d-clear stops when the bomb reaches its own gate.  In case 5 we have an even 
chance to win or lose.  Case 1 often results in a loss.  We may also hit the 
gate or the bomb with our bomb giving more chances to win or draw.

The double spl gives additional protection against d-clear.  D-clear often 
misses adjacent locations with its bombs.  The stone part is cleared later 
in the round and the imps have less time to reach the gate often resulting 
in a draw.  Now, new clears are appearing in p-spacers which perform better 
against Newt (although not against Vain :-)  A more effective clear may look 
like this:

gate    dat.f   #0,     #4000
        dat.f   #0,     last-gate+1
bmb     dat.f   #0,     last-gate+1
        spl.b   #0,     #0
        mov.i   bmb,    >gate
        mov.i   bmb,    >gate
        djn.f   -1,     >gate

Newt is not so effective against this warrior as decrementing the djn and 
bombing lines no longer really hamper it.  Newt scores about 25/50/25 against
this new clear.  Bombing the djn line or the first line slows the clear. Newt 
enters its own clear after 6000 cycles and this gives chances to win.  This 
clear is very tuned against Newt with the a-field decrement.
We could improve Newt against this new clear in a few ways.
        1.      Shorter bombing run entering clear earlier
        2.      Heavier imp so our imps do not reach the gate
        3.      A-field increment to more readily disable the clear.

I tried the last of these which was fairly effective.

stone   spl.b   #step, <-step   # swapped the two spl lines
        spl.b   #0,    <-step-1
        mov.i   }step-1, hit-step       # changed to point at -1
        add.f   stone, -1
hit     djn.f   -2,    <stone-step
        mov.i   cbmb,  >gate
        djn.f   -2,    >gate    # changed to -2

The clear could also optimize against this new form of Newt but I don't 
really think it is worth beating just one warrior badly.  Besides, we can't 
expect to beat everything. I feel these changes weaken Newt against stones as
now both top spls are vulnerable.  A spl striking the hit line will no longer 
cause Newt to enter the perfect d-clear until part way through the bombing 
run.  I think the a-field decrement is more effective against paper too.  

        spl     @-1,    >x
        mov     }-1,    >-1

        spl     @1,     >x      
        mov     }-1,    >-1

        spl     @0,     >x
        mov     }-2,    >-1

        spl     @0,     >x      
        mov     }0,     >-1

It is just a vague feeling and an untested exercise for the reader.

Specialised p-spacer components such as p-clear can give Newt some problems. 
The solution is simple.  Be the _best_ imp/stone on the hill.  This way, when
the other imp/stones drop off the hill and the specialists lose their prey,
they also drop off the hill and Newt recovers.  This just leaves papers and 
other imp/stones to worry about.  When I wrote Newt, the hill contained seven
papers and five imp/stones.  As I write this, the hill has six imp/stones and
seven papers (of sorts).  It is important to do well against both of these 

Newt has a similar size/speed ratio to other imp/stones.  It has imp-killing 
power with the d-clear and resistance to other d-clears and spl/dat bombs and 
decrements.  The result is reasonable scores against other imp/stones, 
particularly those with no gate of their own. I think the d-clear bomb should 
have been <2667 as this works better against the medium 3 point imps found in 
many imp stones.

Papers are a real problem for imp/stones such as Newt.  The main difficulty is
the size of the warrior for the enemy Qscan.  The stone and stone boot alone 
is 18 instructions.  Add this to 12 lines to boot the imp-launch and that 
makes 30 lines on top of the QScan.  Compare this to a typical paper that is 
about 11 lines long or 13 if a boot is included.  This 15+ line difference
means that the imp/stone does not score so well in the QScan shootout.  
Slimming the launch can reduce this problem a little.

I re-ordered the QScan for the hill version and computer-optimized it against 
the Gigolo QScan and Probe QScan.  I believe this may have given some good 
scores against papers on the hill as they tend to have a very similar QScan 
order to these early Q^2 scans.  Using a published QScan order in particular 
can be very dangerous.

Generally, the two ways for an imp/stone to beat a paper enemy are a long 
period of intense bombing like Gigolo or a stone suicide late in heel for a 
warrior.  It is very dangerous to have the same QScan order as a published 

While writing this article, I noticed the scores against papers were not so 
good as I remember.  So saying, I present a new version of Newt with some of 
the ideas from the article.
* Imp launch entered earlier for heavier imp
* Imp launch unbooted for slimmer launch -> better QScan performance
* Imp launch decrement decoy further behind full decoy, better against 
* Stone first spl points after end of stone for [minor] paper protection

and finally...

* QScan scans backwards for hopefully better score on Mt Olympus ;-)

;redcode-94 test
;name Newt v0.2
;author Ian Oversby
;strategy Q^2 -> Imp/Stone
;assert 1

gate1   equ     (init-7-dist)
pat     equ     3315
sval    equ     (spin+5220)
dist    equ     3

impy    equ     (imp+sep)
sep     equ     1100
st      equ     2667

QB EQU (start-550)
QD EQU -100


datz EQU (table-3)

iboot   MOV.I imp, impy
spin    SPL.B   #st+1,  >prime
prime   MOV.I   impy,   impy
        ADD.F   spin,   jump
jump    JMP.B   impy-st-1, <-2200
imp     MOV.I   #st,    *0

for 8
 dat 0, 0

         dat    10*QS, 2*QS ; can get 21 values from this table
table:   dat     4*QS, 1*QS ; and can also use the initial value
         dat    23*QS, 3*QS ; of fnd

qinc:    spl    #GAP,-GAP
tab:     add.a  table,table
slow:    add.a  @tab,fnd
fast: *tab,@slow
which:   sne.i  datz,*fnd
         add.a  #QD,fnd
         mov.i  cbomb,*fnd
         add.ab fnd,fnd

fnd:    mov.i  QB,GAP/2
        add.f  qinc,fnd
 mov.i  cbomb,*fnd
 djn.b  fnd,#REP
 jmp    boot,}QS*13

     ; WHICH
 seq.i  QB+QS*0,QB+QS*0+QD
 jmp    which,}QB+QS*0+QD/2
      ; FAST
  seq.i  QB+QS*1,QB+QS*1+QD
  jmp    fast,}QB+QS*1+QD/2
  seq.i  QB+QS*13,QB+QS*13+QD
  jmp    fast,{fast
  seq.i  QB+QS*2,QB+QS*2+QD
  jmp    fast,{tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*3,QB+QS*3+QD
  jmp    fast,}tab
     ; SLOW
  seq.i  QB+QS*4,QB+QS*4+QD
  jmp    >fast,}QB+QS*4+QD/2
  seq.i  QB+QS*5,QB+QS*5+QD
  jmp    slow,}QB+QS*5+QD/2
  seq.i  QB+QS*6,QB+QS*6+QD
  jmp    slow,{tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*7,QB+QS*7+QD
  jmp    slow,}tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*10,QB+QS*10+QD
  jmp    >fast,<tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*11,QB+QS*11+QD
  jmp    slow,<tab
  seq..i  QB+QS*12,QB+QS*12+QD
  djn.f  slow,tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*23,QB+QS*23+QD
  jmp    >fast,>tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*24,QB+QS*24+QD
  jmp    slow,>tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*17,QB+QS*17+QD
  jmp    slow,{fast
     ; TAB
  seq.i  QB+QS*8,QB+QS*8+QD
  jmp    <fast,}QB+QS*8+QD/2
  seq.i  QB+QS*9,QB+QS*9+QD
  jmp    tab,}QB+QS*9+QD/2

         seq.i  QB+QS*15,QB+QS*15+QD
  jmp    tab,<tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*16,QB+QS*16+QD
  jmp    tab,{tab
  seq.i  QB+QS*20,QB+QS*20+QD
  djn.f  <fast,tab

boot    MOV.I   cbomb,  @sptr  
for 3
        MOV.I   <spos,  {sptr
 spl.b iboot, <-1000
for 4
        MOV.I   <spos,  {sptr

        SPL.B   *sptr,  <-200

sptr    DIV.F   #init+sval,     #init+sval-7-3

cbomb   DAT.F   #1, #3+hit-gate1
; 2 DATS
init    SPL.B   #0,     <stone-pat
stone   SPL.B   #pat,   <-pat
loop    MOV.I   {0+pat, hit-pat
        ADD.F   stone,  loop
hit     DJN.F   loop,   <stone-pat
        MOV.I   init-dist, >gate1
last    DJN.F   -1,     {gate1

spos    DAT.F   $0,     $0

for 10
        DAT.F   $0,     $0

end start

Ian Oversby

Questions?  Concerns?  Comments?  Complaints?  Mail them to people who care.
Authors: Beppe Bezzi <>,  Anton Marsden
<>, Christian Schmidt <>
and Philip Kendall <>
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